
Alberta Fresh Graduate – Entrepreneur Programs

The International Graduate Entrepreneur Immigration Stream (IGEIS) allows international foreign graduate students work permit holders with at least 6 months of work experience and a qualification from a university or college in Alberta to start or buy an existing business in Alberta, Canada.

In short, The International Graduate Entrepreneur Immigration Stream (IGEIS) allows Alberta to nominate qualified international graduates from Alberta post-secondary institutions who want to establish or operate a business in Alberta to apply for permanent residence.

Are you interested to apply for Alberta Fresh Graduate Entrepreneur Program? If yes, then you must meet the following eligibility requirements.

 Education: You must complete at least 2 years of full-time education.

 Work Permit: You must have Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) and that must be for 2 years at least.

 Language: Must have a CLB (Canadian Language Benchmark) minimum level of 7 for each language skill or you must have Niveaux de compétence Linguistique canadiens (NCLC) of 7 for each French language skill: reading, speaking, listening, and writing.

Test results must be official and also must be less than two years old at the time Expression of Interest (EOI) is submitted. Following is the list of 4 language tests that are accepted by AINP.
  1. Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP) General Test

  2. Test d’évaluation de français (TEF) Canada

  3. International English Language Testing System (IELTS) General Training Test

  4. Test de connaissance du français (TCF) Canada

Also, make sure to check out the federal guideline on NCLC or CLB equivalency for each of the tests.

Work Experience

You must have 6 months of minimum full-time work experienced which can be a combination of owning or managing the business.

Work experience can be obtained:

 After or before completing Alberta education

 Within Canada or outside Canada

You must meet minimum work experience at the time of submitting EOI.

Please note: 2 years of full-time Alberta education and 6 months of work experience are needed at the time of EOI submission.

What are the factors that can increase the chance?


21 to 49 years

Alberta Relative

You or your common-law partner or spouse, have one or more of the following relatives living full-time in Alberta: Mother, Father, Step-Mother, Step-Father, Child, Sister, Step-Child, Step-Sister, Brother, Step-Brother.

Economic Benefit

Can provide economic benefits to Alberta through:

  Economic sector

  Business succession

  Developed intellectual property

  Job creation

Business location (for example, rural)


Partnership or support from business incubator/accelerator, venture capital, or angel investor


Your spouse or common-law partner has at least one of the following:

  At least 1 year of continuous full-time employment in Alberta

  Completed at least 2 years of full-time study at a post-secondary institution in Alberta

  A minimum level CLB 5 in English or NCLC 5 in French in all 4 language abilities (Reading, Writing, Listening, Speaking)

Contact Gates & Buffett Immigration Today!

If you are interested to know more about Agri-Food Immigration Pilot, do not hesitate to contact us today at Gates & Buffett Immigration. We used our Authorized ICCRC-Portal so you will not miss any communication with IRCC at any stage of the process.