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Canadian Citizenship

Canada is well known for its global hospitality, attracting expats and tourists from all corners of the world. It has a fully developed economy, numerous opportunities to promote your career, and some of the best outdoor activities you can find anywhere in the world. Mix its wonderful people, along with dynamic cultural life and some great cosmopolitan cities and you will have much to fall in love with.

If you are thinking of staying in Canada for a long period, then instead of simply settling for your permanent residence permit you may want to give the idea of becoming a Canadian citizen a couple of rounds. This will allow you to “join the Canadian family” and have one of the most powerful passports in the world. You may not even have to renounce your current nationality to do so.


Whether you are only going to apply for a work visa in Canada or if you are an expatriate who is already living in the country, it is always a good idea to know what options you have to change your visa or permit for permanent Canadian citizenship.

What is the difference between permanent citizenship and permanent residence?

Canadian citizens have different rights (and responsibilities) compared to permanent resident immigrants. For example, one of the advantages of being a Canadian citizen is the right to vote and being a candidate for election in Canadian elections.

You can also request a Canadian passport, which will allow you to enter and leave the country freely. The Canadian passport allows you to be able to travel to 159 countries, being one of the most powerful passports in the world.

What are the requirements to become a citizen?

You can apply for Canadian Citizenship as long as you meet a series of requirements that you will find stipulated on the website of the Government of Canada. Aside from the pathways to be described below, there is a fast track to citizenship for those who have served in the Canadian armed forces; and the process is also different for those seeking humanitarian aid in Canada.

Regardless of the route, you are going to follow, you will have to meet certain basic requirements to be eligible. To apply for yourself, you will have to be over 18 years old, have Canadian Permanent Resident (PR) status, have filed your tax return correctly according to your resident status, be able to speak one of the official languages of the country, and understand Canadian culture and laws.


Can I have dual citizenship?

Yes, it is possible to be a Canadian citizen and at the same time be a citizen of another country. This is what is known as dual citizenship. However, the possibility of having dual citizenship will depend on your circumstances.

Although Canada will not force you to renounce any particular citizenship to recognize yourself as Canadian, some countries do not recognize dual citizenships and will force you to choose between the two

Can I obtain citizenship by investment?

There is no direct path to citizenship through investment in Canada. If you are an investor or entrepreneur, you will see that you have a large number of doors open to apply for a work visa and Permanent Resident (PR) status, but you will still have to meet a series of requirements before your application can be approved.


Can I obtain citizenship by descent or family ancestry?

You can become a Canadian citizen by descent if at least one of your parents was Canadian at the time you were born. However, this rule applies only to the first generation, which implies that resident status can be obtained from parents to children and not from grandparents to grandchildren, something that is common in other countries.

Still, there are certain exceptions if your parents or grandparents were Canadian government employees or served in the military. If this is your case, it is worth consulting with an expert at Patel Canada Visa.

Gates & Buffett Immigration is here to help you!

If you have already applied for Canadian Citizenship or want to apply for the same, contact us at Patel Canada Visa and allow us to assist you.

For those that have submitted their Express Entry profile and have received an invitation to apply for Canadian permanent residence, kindly fill the form below.


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